Daily Archives: 28/01/2021

Prijave radova za časopis “Etnološka istraživanja”

Etnografski muzej poziva sve zainteresirane da prijave svoje radove za objavu u časopisu ETNOLOŠKA ISTRAŽIVANJA BR. 26. Tema ovogodišnjeg broja je “Muzeji i društvo: ususret novim realnostima”. Časopis Etnološka istraživanja / Ethnological Research je godišnjak zagrebačkoga Etnografskog muzeja kategoriziran kao A2 časopis u području humanističkih znanosti, koji objavljuje znanstvene i stručne radove iz područja etnologije i kulturne antropologije, muzeologije i srodnih znanstvenih disciplina. Osim radova vezanih uz ovogodišnji temat časopisa, dobrodošli su i ostali radovi neovisno o temi, te prikazi knjiga, aktualnih izložbi, kataloga i projekata. Časopis je dostupan u elektroničkom obliku na internetskim stranicama Muzeja (www.emz.hr) te na Portalu znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske (Hrčak) https://hrcak.srce.hr/etnoloska-istrazivanja. Tekstove pošaljete u elektroničkom obliku do 30. travnja 2021. godine na e-mail: ei(at)emz.hr

Off the Beaten Track – Summer School for Anthropology and Ethnography


About the Summer School
The Off The Beaten Track program started in 2006 and is now – with 33 editions over the past 16 years – the longest standing anthropology field school in the world. Our basecamp is located on the islet of Gozo, one of the three inhabited islands of the Maltese Archipelago in the heart of the Mediterranean. The program offers a unique opportunity to acquire ‘in the field’ experience. The islands present a balance of past and present, where rural Mediterranean traditions intersect with foreign influence in small villages.

The Malta Summer School international faculty and staff help connect students and locals. They facilitate and monitor the progress of each student’s project and guide all interested participants through the process of publishing the results of their research. The program is residential and conducted in English.

The participants
The field school is directed towards young anthropologists and cultural scientists; however, any individual who would like to learn about anthropological research and fieldwork is welcome. Previous knowledge or experience is not required. We aim for an individually tailored program that can start at any level. Even PhD research (or pre-research) can be included and guided. The school has a strong socio-cultural focus, but any topic can be covered in the individual program of the student. Each session has a maximum of 16 participants with a 2:1 student to staff ratio. Places are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis to suitably qualified candidates.

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